Please review the University policy for Accepting Revenue via Payment Cards.
Users must also review and acknowledge compliance with the Destiny One Acceptable Use Agreement. This will be part of the Access Request Form. By granting access to Destiny One, the user agrees to the following regarding the responsible and appropriate uses of the data:
- Destiny One data shall be used as required for the performance of your job function, not for personal gain, or other inappropriate purposes.
- Destiny One data shall be used only in the performance of designated roles within the program office and/or costing unit in which you are assigned.
- Each individual with access to Destiny One data has the responsibility to use the data appropriately. Individuals will be held responsible for misuse of Destiny data associated with their user IDs and password.
- Willful misuse of data or the violation of rules with regard to University data policy can result in termination of access privileges.
- Destiny users with access to system data will do so only for purposes of evaluating the effectiveness of their program office's educational offerings, marketing efforts, monitoring student enrollment progress in their respective unit offerings, and reporting in ways that serve program administration, faculty, and/or facilitators.
- Destiny users may analyze data results in ways that enable thoughtful, responsible comparisons of the curriculum offered within your respective unit.
- Destiny users will not use student enrollment data for the purpose of poaching business from other colleges or units.
- Destiny users will abide by all PCI Compliance requirements as per the Merchant Account Manager operating procedures. Failure to comply will result in the loss of system access.
- Destiny users will notify their supervisor and/or [email protected] if access to the system is no longer needed.
- Destiny users will only be granted the level of access that is appropriate for their role and in line with the level of Destiny training that has been completed.