The FAQ page has been created to help staff find answers and additional resource links to the most frequently asked questions. These FAQs are categorized to assist you in finding the answers most relevant to the topic that you are researching.
Q: Can the DORS team build my offering for me?
A: It depends on your offering. Please see the Getting Started page to review your options.
Q: How much does it cost to use Destiny One?
A: The cost to use the registration system is paid centrally through the System-wide Technology Cost Pool (Unit allocation based on collegiate FTE totals). However, each unit is responsible for credit card fees which are charged back to the unit based on the unit's percentage of revenue earned for that monthly billing period.
Q: Is the registration system too complex and challenging to learn?
A: The feature-rich Destiny One Registration System has been used for over 3,500 offerings at the University of Minnesota. In order to meet the needs of our 330+ active units, the system may have more functionality than an individual unit will use. Staff only have to learn the portion of the system they need for their unit's use cases, and can sign up for additional training as desired. Visit > Training Courses > Select training opportunities from the dropdown menu.
The DORS team is available via email or phone to answer any questions or to review offerings made in the test or production environment before they go live. Contact us at [email protected] or 612-625-0406.
Q: Should I set up my offerings in the Curriculum Manager (courses) or Conference Manager module?
A: You can compare the features of both modules using our Lifelong Learning Extended Education - Curriculum Manager vs. Conference Manager Comparison. Training is required to use either module. Training information and sign up is available under Training Courses.
Q: Why can’t I access Destiny when working remotely?
A: When working remotely you need to be connected to Full Tunnel VPN. If you do not have the Full Tunnel option, please see the Connecting to Full Tunnell VPN instructions.
Q: How do I get notified when I have a new task?
A: Go to Task Manager>Personal Setup and enable the email notification option
Q: Is there online help available?
A: Yes. Every page in the staff view has a help icon in the upper right-hand corner you can select for page-specific help.
Course and Section Administration
Q: Why can’t I see my course/section in the public view?
A: The course or section could be set to internal, inactive, or not at final approval. If you just created the course/section there can be a delay of up to 15 minutes until it appears in the public view. For more information about these or other possible reasons, please see the Troubleshooting a course/section not appearing in the Public View job aid.
Q: Can I use the same LMS section number in more than one course section or conference registration site?
A: No. Each section and each conference site need to have a unique LMS section number. For more information, please see the Destiny-Canvas Course Section Integration Reference Guide.
Q: Do I have to enter the completion date manually for each learner on the grading sheet?
A: No. Change the Scheduling radio button on the section profile to “Students complete section on the last section schedule date”, and select the “Automatically set student completion date following last section schedule date” checkbox below it. The system will automatically fill it in for you.
Enrollment Manager/Financial Transactions
Q: What form of payments are accepted for learner self-service registrations?
A: The two forms for self-service registrations are payment card (credit card and debit card) and EFS chart string (if offered in the registration setup).
Q: What forms of payment are accepted if entered via the Staff View?
A: Cash, Check, Credit Card, and Debit card (provided you have a Destiny dedicated payment card terminal) and EFS chart string.
Q: Can staff invoice an individual?
A: No. Invoicing is only allowed for groups. If an organization is paying for an individual to attend an offering, a group profile should be created, add the individual as a member of the group, and process the registration using the bank wire/journal entry payment method.
Please see the Enrollment Manager section on the Self-Help Guides page and reference the following resources:
Group Profile Reference Guide
Create or Update a Group Profile
DORS Financial Process Overview
Staff View Registration - Course Section: Group
Conference Manager
Q: Can I copy my conference site in the Test environment to the Production environment?
A: No. You will need to add it to Production manually.
Q: Can a learner or a staff member change a package for a learner after registration is complete?
A: No. If they want to change a package, they need to cancel everything and register again.
Q: Can a learner or staff cancel a selected add-on or purchase a new one after registration is complete?
A: Yes. Staff can cancel and refund individual add-ons only or purchase additional add-ons. A learner can request to cancel or purchase more add-ons if they log back into the conference registration site.
Q: Can I change the Program Office (PO) or Costing Unit (CU) for a conference site?
A: Yes, but only if you have not created a package or add-ons. When one of those exists, you cannot change the PO or CU.
Q: Can I edit/modify the site once built?
A: Yes. Almost everything can be changed at any time with the exception of the Program Office and Costing Unit.
Q: How do I see one report for my conference with all of the Information Collection answers provided by registrants?
A: There are two ways. You can run the Information Collection Report from your conference site, or you can go to the DORS Reporting Center and run the Conference Enrollment Report.
Q: Can staff substitute (send someone else) for another person in the same conference through Staff View?
A: No. If the original registrant is unable to attend, they should be dropped, and the new registrant should be registered.
Corporate Engagement
Q: Do I use the Corporate Learner Portal (CLP) or Corporate Admin Portal (CAP) for my use case?
A: You can utilize the Decision flow chart: Corporate Learner Portal vs Corporate Admin Portal to help you determine which meets your business needs.
Q: Why don't contracted course sections appear in the CLP/CAP?
A: This most likely can be resolved by double-checking these three points in your course and section build.
- The Section start date must fall in the contract effective/expiration date range
- The Course Profile ‘Applicability’ must be set to Public
- The Program Area specified in the course profile must have ‘Applicability’ set to Public
Q: How do I brand a corporate portal?
A: You will find information in section III. “Customize a Corporate Learner Portal” of the Building and Branding a Corporate Learner Portal reference guide.
Certificates and Bundles
Q: Can a learner enroll in a certificate through self-service?
A: Yes, but only If the certificate has a bundle attached. When a learner purchases a certificate bundle they are automatically enrolled in the certificate. Staff must enroll them in certificates that do not have a bundle attached.
Q: When a learner completes the requirements for a certificate will the system automatically mark it as complete?
A: No. That functionality exists but has been turned off per Governance.
Q: How do I see all the learners in a certificate and the progress they have made towards completion?
A: The easiest way is to go to the DORS Reporting Center and run the Certificate Report.
Q: Can I create a bundle that is not tied to a certificate?
A: No, Bundles can only be attached to a certificate.
Digital Badges
Q: How can my unit offer badges to our learners?
A: Please contact [email protected] and let us know you are interested. We can go over your use case and you can decide if you would like to move forward. Please include the projected annual number of badges you would issue to learners in your email. See section III (Learn More / Getting Started) at the bottom of this document.
Q: How many Badges can my unit offer?
A: Please let us know how many badges your unit plans to issue annually. This will allow us to purchase the most appropriate license on an annual basis. The current badge license is 3,000 annually shared across all badge issuing units. Any additional badges over 3,000 will incur $1.29 per badge issued.
Q: Can I offer badges for past offerings?
A: Expectations are that it be limited to current and future offerings only. This is based on the limited number of annual badges that can be issued to learners per the contract.
Q: Can we offer badges for a non-Destiny One registration offering?
A: Offering badges is a value-added feature of utilizing DORS. Badges being offered are utilizing the Destiny/Credly integration, so you must have a Destiny One registration offering in the system and associate the Credly-built badge with the DORS offering.
Q: Is there training for my unit to utilize the badge feature for my DORS offerings?
A: Yes, DORS X701 - DORS: Badge Integration training will provide the background of the Destiny/Credly integration and how to build your badges in Credly to work with the integration. The training is offered quarterly.
Q: If my learners have questions on how to use their badges, who should they contact?
A: Credly is the company providing the digital badging service and learners can access Credly support when logged into Credly. Your unit may also choose to have a contact and/or a FAQ sheet to better the odds that learners utilize the badges on social media. See the College of Continuing and Professional Studies (CCAPS) Digital Badges page as an excellent example.
Q: Who designs and builds the badges?
A: The units are responsible for creating the badges (image and metadata) that they will offer to learners. The DORS team will provide training and units will receive access to Credly so they can build and manage their own badges.
Q: Is there an official University of Minnesota template for custom badges?
A: The short answer is, no (not at this time). You will be responsible for designing badges, but please follow URelations branding requirements of color for badges, so that we have consistent branding across our badge offerings (see the following question below).
Q: Are there rules, guidelines, or best practices we need to follow when designing/building badges?
A: Yes! URelations requests that the main part of the badge should be official colors of maroon and gold with secondary colors allowed for banners.
- Gold: R:255 G:204 B:51 (#ffcc33)
- Maroon: R:122 G:0 B:25 (#7a0019)
- Secondary color palette can be found on
General University of Minnesota branding guidelines can be found on the University Relations site.
Q: Can I reuse the same badge template for other offerings?
A: No, each offering should have its own unique badge
Q: Can I reissue the same badge to a learner who says they didn't receive it?
A: No, a badge can only be issued once to a learner. The system does not allow duplicates. Integration errors will result if staff try to issue the same badge twice to a learner. First, double-check if a badge has been issued. If so, have the learner go directly to and sign up / log in to their Credly account and the badge will be there for them to claim. Note that the email must be the same one listed as their preferred email in DORS
Q: Where do I find the DORS Reporting Center?
A: You can find the Reporting Center link and more information on the Reporting Center page.
Q: What reporting is available for Destiny staff users?
A: There are native Destiny reports in the Reporting Module as well as additional reports on the DORS Reporting Center.
Q: Can custom reports be built for my unit/department?
A: The DORS team does not have the resources to build custom reports for individual units. However, we do provide centralized custom reports that fulfill a common business need via the DORS Staff User Reporting Center. Additionally, units may request access to the Destiny SQL reporting database, providing they meet the criteria. For more information, please visit the Reporting page.
Q: Is there a report that exists to see a list of registrants or baskets that used a discount code?
A: Yes, the "Discount Detail Report " is a canned DORS report. You can access it from the Reporting module. > Reporting Module > Master > Discount Detail Report"
Identity Management/Guest account Issues
How does a learner reactivate an expired guest account?
A: University of Minnesota guest accounts are active for one year and are managed and supported by the OIT Technology Help service desk. To reactivate their University guest account, learners can contact University Tech Support at 612-301-4357 or [email protected]. Learners should share their email address and request to have their "guest account” associated with it to be reactivated.
A self-service option a learner can take is to reset their password. Resetting of the password will automatically reactivate the guest account. See step III. I have an existing account, and I know my email address but not my password of the Logging Into A University Account Reference Guide.
Q: Why do learners need to provide so much info when creating a guest account?
A: Learners are only required to enter their name, address, email, and phone number. This information is used to identify them in the University identity management system and Destiny One. The University of Minnesota will not reveal this information to third parties except as required by law.
Q: Is there a document available that I can share with my learner(s) to assist them with the login process?
A: Yes. The Logging Into A University Account Reference Guide document may be shared with your learner(s) and is available on the Self-Help Guides page under the Enrollment Manager section
Q: Why are we using University of Minnesota guest accounts for our learners to log into the registration system?
A: Using the University single sign-on provides one account that can be used across multiple enterprise systems, such as Canvas. It allows students, staff, and faculty the ability to use an existing account and not need to create extraneous accounts. Utilizing University logins also provides data privacy and protection.
Onboarding / Ongoing support
Q: How do I add a new Chartstring and/or Costing Unit?
A: You will find more information, as well as the request forms on the System Support page under the Unit configuration setup requests section
Q: Why do I see revenue in Destiny but not EFS?
A: The Integration between Destiny and EFS is not automatic. Destiny One transactions are entered in EFS once per week, so there may be a lag time of up to 10 days.
Q: When do the credit card processing fees get allocated to my account?
A: Credit card fees are charged back to units based on their percentage of revenue earned for that monthly billing period. The fees are charged roughly 1 month in arrears.
Q: Where do I find the system status alerts or communication to see if the registration system is down?
A: Staff can find this status information on the System Support page under the System Information section on the registration system support site This page gets updated once there is a known status change and also includes scheduled maintenance downtimes. Please note that the DORS team sends emails to the Destiny One Google Group for catastrophic failures of the registration system.
OIT managed and supported systems that are integrated with Destiny One like Canvas or UofM authentication (Guest Accounts) would be listed on the OIT System Status page".
Q: I have a request to add or improve system functionality. Where can I submit that request?
A: Submit functionality/enhancement requests via the form found on > Governance > Request for Product Enhancement. Governance prioritizes product enhancement requests as the budget allows.
Q: What should I do if the next training scheduled is full and I can’t wait for the following scheduled training?
A: Contact the DORS team ([email protected]). We may be able to add an additional training to the schedule, if there is enough interest, or schedule a custom training session for you.
Q: I’ve taken the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) training and wonder if I still need to take the annual PCI DSS training.
A: The University requires that users of payment card terminals (or those with access to the terminal or payment card data) take the annual training. It may seem like repetitive information, but the University deems the annual refresher training necessary for it to mitigate risk so we can continue to safely offer payment cards as a payment option. The annual PCI DSS training is scheduled in late September and into October. We provide custom PCI DSS training for new staff as needed throughout the year.
Q: What is PCI DSS?
A: The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a worldwide security standard designed to ensure that all organizations that process, store, or transmit credit card information maintain a secure environment. This standard was created to protect cardholders against misuse of their personal information. Find additional information on the Understanding PCI DSS brochure.